
Make professional referrals to SandyPines Residential Treatment Center’s behavioral health services for children, adolescents, adults and older adults.

Programs & Services at Sandy Pines Residential Treatment Center

SandyPines Referrals

All inquiries for admission to SandyPines are processed through the Admission Department. We accept referrals from parents and family members, professionals, schools, child welfare agencies and other organizations, both in state and out of state.

We accept self-pay and work closely with and accept most private insurance. SandyPines also contracts with the state of Florida as a participant of the Statewide Inpatient Psychiatric Program (SIPP).

Residential treatment is considered the most restrictive level of care and therefore all referrals must have the following:

  • Active relationship with a psychiatrist and had an appointment within the past eight weeks.
  • Primary mental health diagnosis – substance can be secondary
  • History of psychotherapy preferably individual and family.
  • History of intensive outpatient therapy if available.
  • History of medication management.
  • Imminent danger to self and or others in the community.

Referral Process

When making a referral, inclusion of the following clinical information can facilitate the decision-making process and expedite the admission:

  • Recent psychiatric evaluation
  • Psychological evaluation
  • Psychosocial history
  • Presenting problem and present treatment
  • Present and past medications
  • Medical history
  • Immunization record
  • Legal history/Department of Juvenile Justice involvement (if applicable)
  • Name of legal guardian
  • Insurance or DCF funding information

Referral Form
